Charity status

We are a registered charity –  Charity Number 1035488. We are registered for Gift Aid so we can claim an extra 25% on any donations, including Easyfundraising amounts. We also gain access to grant funding to enhance our provision and offer greater support to those children who need it.

What Ofsted say

We are Ofsted registered, (unique reference number 305438) for up to 24 children per session. In our 2019 Ofsted report we are delighted to have been rated as “Good” in all areas (see here for an explanation of what this actually means).

Some extracts from this report:

“The knowledgeable and enthusiastic manager has a clear vision for the pre-school, which is shared by the management committee and staff. She ensures that the curriculum is ambitious and well planned.”

“Their animated teaching inspires children to build on what they know and can do and stimulates language acquisition. Children are encouraged to develop a love of books and stories.”

“The manager and staff develop supportive relationships to promote the welfare of children and their families. Parents praise staff for the sensitive and caring ways in which they have supported them and ensured that their children’s needs are met.”

“Staff know children well and provide them with opportunities to build on their experiences. They involve parents in children’s learning and give them ideas about ways to enhance learning at home, particularly regarding language and literacy.”

“Children are kept safe because staff are vigilant and minimise any risks.”

“Children behave well. They help their peers to follow the rules and routines. They show respect and concern for their friends.”

Special needs

We welcome children with many types of disability and special educational needs, such as autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, and speech issues (including stammering and verbal dyslexia). We are very experienced at accessing SEND support and funding.

Early Years Pupil Premium

The Early Years Pupil Premium is additional funding provided to the pre-school to improve the education for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds, although the money benefits all children. In the last couple of years we have spent our Early Years Premium in the following ways:

  • Dark Den for sensory experience;
  • Oxford Reading Tree books for early readers;
  • Early Impact intensive training courses, including maths, phase 1 and 2 phonics;
  • library visits;
  • restaurant visit;
  • bee hive visit;
  • white boards and wipe clean pens;
  • speech and language toolkit;
  • African drumming workshops;
  • exercise mats for indoor and outdoors;
  • permanent gazebo over the water tray area; and
  • minibeast workshops.


Our pre-school has the following aims, which are carried out in line with our policies (see links to General policies document ,Safeguarding policy 2024Staff policies, , SEND policy

    • provide high quality care and education for children below statutory school age;
    • work in partnership with parents to help children to learn and develop;
    • add to the life and well-being of the local community; and
    • offer children and their parents a service that promotes equality and values diversity.

Risk assessment

Please see our Risk-assessment, including the children’s voices.

Privacy notice


Areas we serve and school transition

We accept children from any locality, including Weston, Wistaston, Shavington, Aston, Hough, Haslington, Crewe, Nantwich and Wybunbury. Our children go on to various local schools including Weston,  Shavington Primary, Church Lane, Highfields, The Dingle, Aston, Sound, Willaston, Vine Tree, Pear Tree, Broad Lane, and St Annes. We liaise closely with all relevant primary school staff to ensure a smooth transition to school. 

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